How to die - Simon's Choice

What I want to recommend today is

a thought-provoking

made by best documentary producer - BBC

beautiful documentary


The tile is

How to Die : Simon’s Choice




Diagnosed with a severe motor neuron disease and suddenly sentenced to be in a vegetative state in six months, optimistic and gregarious Simon ponders with his family how to end his excruciating final life. It was a sadly beautiful and cautious BBC film about Simon's desire to die with dignity while he had a choice.

Plots and more

Simon is

a successful business man

he has a family full of love

and has lots of friends

a very lovely social person

But one day all of a sudden

he was told to have 3 years to live

and in only 6 months his motor nerves would all die

not being able to talk

not being able to move

not being anything but a vegetable


you can feel the change everyday

that is how fast and severe this disease is


After diagnosis

he was just walking normally a short time ago

then he lost strength to walk very soon

and started needing help

Simon always likes laughing

but even that is becoming difficult to do

After a lot of discussion

Simon decided

he would go to Swiss for assisted death


so even harder

he brought family and friends

having parties

using all his energy to laugh

cherishing every single second

until he used up all the energy

to make everyone remember these happy beautiful days

In the infinite universe

our life

has infinite time before

and still infinite time keeps flowing after

Earth barely counts as dust

little as the life we have

makes one thing and one thing only matters - our time with our loved ones

nothing else means anything


When our loved with us has time about to end

When the time has a limit we set up

I can imagine how hard it is


There's nothing more difficult to say to goodbye

There's nothing more sad than this

I fully teared up

and saw him away

Simon RIP

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