Tease your chubby friend with a simple trick

Let's tease your cute debu friend with a simple trick, which I call "ah~" of the princess .

  • Say "Did you know that"
  • Challenge him that "you cannot touch your shoulder with your fingernails"
  • Make sure he touches the shoulder "palm up"
  • Say "ah~~" like a princess
  • Challenge him that "his face muscles cannot stretch this out"
  • Ask him to "squint your eyes", "raise your eyebrows", "bite your bottom lip"
  • Say "ah~~" like a princess
  • Say "Did you know that"
  • Challenge him that "if you bite your bottom lip you can't breathe"
  • Say "ah~~" like a princess
Debu Video

YouTube a cute chub got played by this,take a look~

TikTok Link is also down here)

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